Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, January 29, 2011

15 Weeks, 3 Days

15W, 3D

That's right! There's a baby bump! Here is a shot at 8 Weeks to compare:

I have been feeling some movements more this week! It's very hard to feel them and when I try to pay attention it's gone. It's butt/hips are getting bigger. I heard this could happen but thought it might be one of the pregnancy side effects that I would miss. What a bummer.

What's happening with Baby:

Friday, January 21, 2011

14 Weeks, 2 days

We went to my 14 week doctor visit today at listened to the baby's heart beat. Danny said it sounded like a washing machine but the doc said it sounded good and was in the 150's. It was pretty amazing how fast he found the heart beat and the baby. I knew it was in there somewhere and can tell that everything is growing but it was nice to have the doctor confirm that everything is where it's supposed to be. It's still kind of unreal at this point but my growing belly and peeing about every 45 minutes confirms the baby in my belly.

I weighed 165.5 which totals a 4.5 lb gain since our last visit 5 weeks ago and is right on track! I told the doctor how much I have been eating and he wasn't concerned since my weight gain was good and since my Gluten Free diet doesn't allow me to eat bread, pastries, etc. There are some days when I can't get full and will honestly eat something every hour! What I ate yesterday: yogurt, banana, pear, g-free apple muffin, Smart-one's Rice and Beans, Orange, GIANT pickle, JJ veggie wrap, tamale and salsa, and Chex cereal. I felt like that was a LOT but when I told Danny and our friend Dave last night they didn't think I was eating enough....

After I talked to the doctor I feel more comfortable with my baby bump and eating habits:)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh baby...

(13 weeks, 2 days)

Baby I can't beleive how big you are already! I am almost in my Second Trimester and am so happy I wasn't a puker and so glad to have energy to be back at the gym full time. You are about the size of a peach from crown to rump! It's so hard to beleive that you can already suck your thumb, punch, kick, swim, and dance around.

One of the books I am reading said, "it's okay it you have gained about 5 lbs at this point," which I totally feel like I have so thank gawd. I have my second doctor's appointment next Friday so we will find out. My sister in law Jamie has her appointment that day too so we will be on the same schedule now and both see Dr. Allen. Hopefully we can hear your heartbeat!

Now that you have developed most of your vital organs, it's time to grow! You will quadruple over the next month, which means me getting bigger too. Bring it on! I guess?