Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

32 Weeks

Holding Baby Mia

32 Weeks!

We went on our hospital tour with both moms this week and learned a lot! Even though Jamie was just at the same hospital having Mason there was a lot to learn about the maternity area of IU West. It was a long tour but after we got home Danny and I both discussed how ready we are for the baby to come. I know that after our baby showers we will be set and ready for baby Mia to be here. I am not in a hurry for her to come because I know she is still growing in there but we will be ready when she decides it is time.
Hospital Tour

I also had my 32 week appointment and my mom was off work today so she got to hear the heart beat and meet Dr. Allen. I gained 3 lbs making total weight gain 33 lbs for far. Baby's HR was 140-150 and my BP was 118/70 which is extremely good. All of the working out is really great for me and baby Mia. Dr. Allen had a big smile on his face when he was listening to the heart beat and said it doesn't get better than that and she is right on track for size. He could also feel that she is already head down and confirmed that her feet are what I feel on my left side all the time kicking. Can't wait for her to get big enough to be here:)

Getting ready for baby - napping so I have the energy to clean and clean and clean some more, obsessing over every crumb my husband carelessly drops on the floor, re-arranging our bedroom at 11pm to make room for bassinet and changing table and emptying dresser drawers to make room for baby girl clothes:)

So far the last 4 weeks have been my favorite part of pregnancy. I still have energy, am able to work out and get to feel the baby move so much. The only down side is getting tired easily and my feet start to hurt if I push myself too much. I have to make myself relax because my brain keeps going and going thinking of stuff that needs to be done, which never ends.

Changing Station

Friday, May 20, 2011

31 Weeks

31 Weeks!

I can't believe we only have about 62 days until little Mia is here! I am getting to know her a little more each day and can't wait until she comes.

I know that labor and birth will probably not go how I envision or have planned but I have a couple of predictions:

1. Go into labor on July 15 - this is the closest full moon to my due date. If she isn't here on this date then I can totally see myself going about 2 weeks over my due date...

2. She is going to weigh about 6-7 lbs - I just have a feeling that she is really small right now and unless she has a huge growth spurt she will probably be small.

3. Have a tons of black hair and red complexion

4. Gorgeous!

Dan and all of the Minner Family are headed to Peoria, IL this weekend to help Grandpa Al move some tools and stuff around since he had hip replacement surgery and can't really use those things. I will be home alone this weekend and plan on putting my feet up and getting some rest:) I have still been working out every day but feeling more tired at night time. I do have a couple of baby projects to work on and some more 'nesting' so I am sure I won't get bored.

Friday, May 13, 2011

30 Weeks

3o Weeks!

I think I finally like being pregnant...I have an obvious prego belly, tons of energy and I get to "play" with Mia in my belly and can watch her move now. (yes we changed her name to Mia!) We play this little poking back and forth game now. I also couldn't imagine not working out and am actually looking forward to the labor and birth after finishing our Bradley birth Classes.

We are going to do our hospital tour soon and finalize our Birth plan so we will be ready for delivery. I had my 30 week check up today and gained 3.5 lbs bringing total weight gain to 30 lbs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

29 Weeks

29 Weeks! Getting huge!

I have been feeling a ton of movement and can see my belly moving a little bit. She is about 15 inches long! That's crazy to think she is going to grow another 5 or so inches! I am starting to feel huge already...yay just in time for summer.

We finished our Bradley Birth classes and are ready for the baby to come! Well mentally I am ready for labor and birth but we don't have anything for the baby to come home to yet...I am really looking forward to the baby shower so we can get all kinds of goodies for her. :)