Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 5, 2011

20 Weeks - Half way there!

20 weeks!
The baby is about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 11 oz, the size of a banana!

I started getting sinus sick again but luckily it didn't last too long. I am really tired of being congested all the time! This is one of the prenancy symptoms I have experienced the most but it is better than puking all the time right? But a positive from this week is that I have been successfully working out the whole time I have been pregnant for 20 weeks! Before I got pregnant I was doing a lot of intense, boot camp style of conditioning 6-7 days a week but have toned it down to yoga, weights, the stationary bike, walking/jogging and of course still doing zumba! It is getting a little bit harder to keep up but I am really proud of myself so far and hope it helps tremendously during birth.

I am hoping to feel the baby move soon but the ultrasound technician said that I have an anterior placenta and the baby is in the back so I might not feel her. The location of the placenta doesn't mean anything for the delivery at this point. Hopefully the baby is able to shift the placenta a little so I can feel her moving!

Danny was sick on Thursday and couldn't attend the Bradley Classes with me but luckily Danny's mom, Trina was able to go! Right now the plan is to have Danny, Trina, my mom, and my sister Carmen in the delivery room so it was perfect that Trina was able to be there and I could catch Danny up on the things we went over in class. We learned about different exercises to do each day like squats, butterflies, pelvic rocks, tailor sitting, relaxation and walking/exercising. There is a lot of work involved but I feel like this is the least I can do for my body and the baby:) I am already going to the gym 4-5 days a week so adding these workouts to my daily schedule shouldn't be too hard.

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