Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, July 21, 2011

40 Weeks!

Due Date! or Estimated Due Date is here.... We are ready for her to come anytime now, well Monday would fit EVERYONE's schedule perfectly but we can't really plan this...

Danny and I went to my 40 week appointment yesterday and I am up to 205 lbs! Everything is still looking good and measuring right on time, it's just a waiting game from here on! He checked me and I am still the same as last week, almost 1 cm dilated. He said my cervix seemed shorter which means she has dropped more. We made a 41 week appointment and he said we would do an ultrasound and check amniotic fluids to make sure it is safe to go into the 41st week without inducing.

I am still being patient and don't want to have my membranes stripped or be induced or anything like that but I know that she is fully cooked in there and will come on her own time. I am going to try some natural induction techniques or wives tales this weekend and hope she comes before Wednesday! These include spicy food, walking, pineapple, yoga, ball bouncing, primrose oil, Castor oil, red raspberry leaf tea and more acupressure.

We are both getting excited and ready for her to be here but then again I could be pregnant for 2 more weeks...

I have a lot of faith that women's bodies are meant to naturally birth the baby that we grow. I don't think that the 'estimated' due date is a deadline for the baby and it's frustrating all of the questions that mostly strangers keep asking:

When do they Induce you?

"they" don't have to induce you or make this decision, Danny and I do. We will only be induced if baby and I are not measuring healthy at our non-stress tests and doctor's appointments. My blood pressure and her heart rate have both been great so far. There is no reason to rush things right now...

Why don't you just get a C-section? She is going to be huge...

She is measuring right on schedule and 40-41 weeks is a normal time for a baby to be born and the only risk I have is prolonged gestation but I don't have gestational diabetes, have not gained over 50 lbs, am not obese and have a normal sized baby in there they think, although this can be 1-2 lbs off sometimes. I have faith that my body is not growing a child that I cannot birth, especially if I move around during labor. I am hoping to take advantage of the squatting position to push, which can give you an extra centimeter!

I bet you are tired and ready for that baby to be out of there. Why don't you let them break your water?

Yes I am tired and have this feeling I might be pregnant forever but as long as everything is safe there is no reason to speed everything up. Mia is warm, happy and protected. Artificially rupturing membranes and breaking the bag of waters does not always start labor. Some people don't start having contractions for hours after their water breaks and I want to stay away from Pitocin. Once your water breaks or has been broken you only have 24 hours to have the baby or get a c-section if the pitocin doesn't work.

Patiently waiting,

Mommy and Daddy

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